
Fjällfarmens Nannah (Sita)

Rase: Finsk Lapphund S37369/2008

Fødselsdato: 14.04.08

Oppdretter: Fjällfarmens kennel

Prcd-PRA: Bærer


Øyelyst: 29.09.10 UA

MH (mentalbeskrivelse) Stavsøra 06.07.09



2 tanker om “Mor

  1. Francine

    I wonder how come you branded this specific article, “1 – Mor
    Hakasitas Askeladden – MacLurven”. In either case I personally enjoyed the blog!
    Thanks for your time,Shayla

  2. bettebett Innleggsforfatter

    Thank you for the nice comment. I wanted the mother first on the list and then the father and so on. If I hadn´t put the 1 they would come alphabetically and I did not want that 🙂

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